My first blog….

A few days ago, I decided to create my first blog. I set about the task of finding blogging software and was surprised to find so many good choices that were also free.

I started with BBlog and was pretty impressed. The software had lots of useful features and installed very easily. Within 10 minutes of downloading, I had created my first post.

After taking a closer look, I found what I considered to be two major problems.

1. The software contains a forum for support issues, but it appears a lot of the issues go unanswered.

2. The software doesn't have the ability to change the page title based on the topic being discussed. I considered this a major drawback since one of my purposes for creating the blog was SEO purposes.

I stopped by the Warrior Forum and asked my fellow warriors what blog software was recommended. The results were unanimous.

Within a few minutes I had downloaded a copy of Word Press and had it installed and working very quickly. It solves the page naming problem, is actively supported, and seems to be the choice of most real Internet marketers.

If you are interested in setting up your own blog and need some help, just drop me a post. If you have some webspace and access to mysql, I'd be happy to help you install Word Press.

Good Luck with your business,

Brent Crouch


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