$10 A Day On Automatic


If you could create a recurring revenue stream of $10 a day that ran on automatic, what is the maximum amount of time and money you would spend to make it happen? This is a question I've been asking myself for the last few days.

My Adsense income has climbed to around $90 a day. I've learned a lot since I started building and marketing content sites a year ago. I have nearly a dozen sites that I created that didn't do much in terms of making money. Looking back, I can see a lot of mistakes I made from keyword research to content creation. In some cases, the entire niche I picked was wrong.

I'm going to go back and resurrect a few of these projects and correct the mistakes I made a year ago. My goal for each site is to earn $10 a day. That's it.

We've all heard the saying, "It takes money to make money." While I agree that is true, that is only half the recipe. It also takes time to make money. For me, the question has become, how much time and money am I willing to invest to reach my goal of $10 a day.

After some thought, I decided I'd be willing to invest 40 hours of my time and $1,000 to reach my goal Here is how I came up with those numbers.

I figure $1,000 is a reasonable amount to get a site off the ground. $1,000 will buy some decent content as well as provide some marketing dollars. If you are a good writer and can create your own content, you can probably get buy with much less.

One of my goals is to create a $500 a day income from Adsense. I'd be willing to trade 8 hours a day of my time to achieve that goal. That works out to be $62.50 an hour. If my goal is to create $62.50 for every hour of my time invested in building content sites, I have to make sure my projects are able to produce those results in order to reach my goal. Make sense?

At $10 a day, one site will earn $3,650 a year. If you minus out the $1,000 initial investment, that leaves a net of $2,650 for the first year. If you divide $2,650 by my goal of $62.50 a hour, that gives me 42 hours of time to devote to this project and see my $62.50 an hour returned within the first year.

The first site I'm working with is AcnePreventionEtc.com. This site hasn't done much in terms of producing any income. Last month, it was good for less than $16. This site has a lot of potential, but needs a lot of work.

I'm going to chronicle my time and daily activities regarding this site. I'm not going to hold anything back. I'm going to show you every strategy I'm using and at the end of the day, you can decide if the end result is worth the effort.

Look for future posts labeled SEO Project #2.


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One Response to “$10 A Day On Automatic”

  1. john Says:

    Looking forward to this, thanks for sharing!

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