DVD Wholesale Directory – Internet Marketing Project

The DVD Wholesale Directory project needs some work yet. Over the last 7 days, I sent 484 visitors to the site at a cost of $122.52. Out of the 484 visitors, only 79 bothered to click on one of the affiliate ads. (CTR - 79 / 484 = 16.3%)

What is incredible is the conversion rate of the visitors that actually click one of the affiliate ads. Out of the 79 affiliate clicks, I made 3 sales creating revenue of $89.85. (Conversion rate - 3 / 79 = 3.7%) This is still a loss of $32.67 since I paid $122.52 to get these visitors to my site, but it is encouraging and lets me know the site has potential.

Another encouraging factor is the adsense revenue. Over the last 7 days this page has produced $30.02 in adsense earnings. This shrinks my loss to only $2.65. Due to google TOS, I can't give you the CTR, number of clicks, or revenue per click for adsense. What I can tell you is the CTR is very high and the revenue per click is pretty low. I don't expect the CTR to double, but in time it is very possible for the revenue per click to double which will make a nice contribution at pulling me out of the red.

A loss of $2.65 over the last 7 days isn't crippling, but it isn't exciting either. This is the point that most "would be" internet marketers throw in the hat and start searching for the next business. But the last 7 days has shown me the site has a lot of potential. There are a couple of things I need to do to make this venture profitable.

1. My stats show that 3.7% of visitors clicking an ad make a purchase. By using split testing to experiment with the page layout, I can easily get more visitors clicking the ads. If the conversion holds strong, this alone could be enough to make this venture profitable.

2. I also need to setup tracking for the keywords I am using to drive traffic to my site. It could be a handful of keywords are driving most of the conversions, while others are only draining my profits. The next 7 days of tracking could be interesting to see.

3. There isn't much I can do to increase my adsense CTR or revenue. I am very interested in trying out the Yahoo Publisher Network to see who is going to pay the most for my web space. I plan on applying for an account with them today. It probably will not get approved in time for a full 7 days of testing.

Good Luck with your business,

Brent Crouch


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